Bandx are Ace Macleod and Asif Chowdhury. In 1999 Bandx, formerly known as Shanti, started producing music. They forged on a completely new direction, going from synth-pop to techno electronic music. The band decided to take on this new style after their two original memebers, Chris Milas and Asif Chowdhury, went thier separate ways. Asif remained in Chicago while Chris sought other opportunities back in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It was at that very point when Asif recruited Ace Macleod to assist in re-inventing the band to gain it's own unique techno electronic twist. Soon thereafter, all musical compositions and lyrics were written, produced, and performed by Ace Macleod with some backing from Asif Chowdhury. From September of 1999 through December of 2000 Bandx went into the studio and put out 11 great pieces. They placed it on many free MP3 sites to see how well they'd be accepted. In Early 2004 Asif Chowdhury Stepped back into the Studio and re-energized a flailing Ace Macleod. The 2003 EP 'Marks the Spot' was a mediocre attempt by the band, but plans were already forming for a resurgence album. Thus '11R6' came to fruition. The pieces were set, and '11R6' was released in April of 2005 to an online audience. In 2008 Bandx released it's newest creation: 'Planet'. Following a very successful release with '11R6', 'Planet' did it again with techno break beats and Trance rhythms to raise the bar for Bandx music. In our view, it was revolutionary. Now we bring you a complete set of techno-pop songs as a tribute to the BBC television show: 'Doctor Who'. This is our crown jewel. We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it.