Haunted by recurring apparitions, sixteen-year-old Ami embarks on a mystical journey from Singapore to Japan in search of her mother who went missing during a cataclysmic tsunami. Upon her arrival in Tokyo, she meets her cynical taxi-driving uncle who becomes her custodian and reluctant guide through the ravaged landscape and her family's dark past.
Haunted by recurring apparitions, sixteen-year-old Ami embarks on a mystical journey from Singapore to Japan in search of her mother who went missing during a cataclysmic tsunami. Upon her arrival in Tokyo, she meets her cynical taxi-driving uncle who becomes her custodian and reluctant guide through the ravaged landscape and her family's dark past.
Haunted by recurring apparitions, sixteen-year-old Ami embarks on a mystical journey from Singapore to Japan in search of her mother who went missing during a cataclysmic tsunami. Upon her arrival in Tokyo, she meets her cynical taxi-driving uncle who becomes her custodian and reluctant guide through the ravaged landscape and her family's dark past.