As he prepares to return home to Kochi from his freshman year of college, young Taku reflects upon the end of his high school days with best pal Yutaka and the arrival into their lives of Rikako, the beautiful but willful and troubled Tokyo transfer student who became the fulcrum of a friendship-ending rivalry. Long-demanded made-for-TV anime from Studio Ghibli features the voices of Nobuo Tobita, Toshihiko Seki, Yoko Sakamoto. 76 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: Japanese, English, French; Subtitles: English (SDH), French. In Japanese with English subtitles/Dubbed in English. Two-disc set.
As he prepares to return home to Kochi from his freshman year of college, young Taku reflects upon the end of his high school days with best pal Yutaka and the arrival into their lives of Rikako, the beautiful but willful and troubled Tokyo transfer student who became the fulcrum of a friendship-ending rivalry. Long-demanded made-for-TV anime from Studio Ghibli features the voices of Nobuo Tobita, Toshihiko Seki, Yoko Sakamoto. 76 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: Japanese, English, French; Subtitles: English (SDH), French. In Japanese with English subtitles/Dubbed in English. Two-disc set.
As he prepares to return home to Kochi from his freshman year of college, young Taku reflects upon the end of his high school days with best pal Yutaka and the arrival into their lives of Rikako, the beautiful but willful and troubled Tokyo transfer student who became the fulcrum of a friendship-ending rivalry. Long-demanded made-for-TV anime from Studio Ghibli features the voices of Nobuo Tobita, Toshihiko Seki, Yoko Sakamoto. 76 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: Japanese, English, French; Subtitles: English (SDH), French. In Japanese with English subtitles/Dubbed in English. Two-disc set.